Policy Dialogues: Clarity Rigor, and Transparency

Robust state and local policies are essential for success in critical areas like K-12 education, energy, and housing. However, these issues often lack the attention and rigorous analysis they deserve. The narrative is frequently dominated by loud voices or vested interests, leading to suboptimal policy decisions.

We aim to bring clarity and transparency to critical issues. By cutting through the noise and focusing on the core substance of policies, we facilitate meaningful dialogue between elected officials, citizens, and policymakers. Our mission is to deliver clear, impartial information and advocate for policy solutions that serve the best interests of all.

Energy Policy: Connecticut faces a paradox: some of the highest electricity prices in the nation, despite access to low-cost electricity generation. After a decade of investment in renewable energy and substantial subsidies, renewable sources still account for less than 10% of our energy mix. Critical questions arise: Why are costs so high? Why haven't our renewable energy goals been met? Our discussion will focus on policy choices that could lead to greater affordability, sustainability, and reliability in our energy sector.

Housing: Housing has been a contentious area for policymakers in recent years. Connecticut faces a shortage of housing units, and some proposed policies—like rent control, town-level mandates, and state-mandated zoning—could do more harm than good. We need a dialogue that promotes policies encouraging new investment and increasing the availability of affordable housing units.

State Finances: Connecticut’s state finances are burdened with significant state employee and teacher pension liabilities, a result of poor investment performance and inadequate contributions over two decades. Despite recent substantial contributions, there's still work to be done. Our policy discussion must focus on ensuring prudent spending and keeping taxes reasonable to address these outstanding liabilities.

In all these areas, our goal is to foster informed, balanced discussions that lead to effective and equitable policy outcomes. By bringing together a diverse range of voices, we aim to drive forward solutions that truly serve the best interests of Connecticut's citizens.